was rooting around in the closet this afternoon, as you do when packing
for a trip. I love jeans and have stacks of them in a wide range of
sizes. Just for shits and giggles, I started pulling them down and
trying them on. Imagine my surprise when I found that my fattest pair
of mom jeans, ones that were snug when I put them away for summer, were
so loose on me that I could almost pull them off without undoing the
fly! Then I found two other pair that were too tight last winter and
found them too baggy to wear. I can't express how good it felt to place
those three pairs of size 26 jeans into a bin bag for donation. I then
tried my favorite pair, one of my closet goals for early 2009, the size
20 lightweight wide legs that I wore when I first met my husband in
1999. They fit, a bit too snugly to wear just now, but not far off.
And my lovely pair of size 22 Tommy Hilfiger's fit perfectly. I was
jumping up and down and squee-ing so excitedly that Rob came charging up
the stairs to see about the commotion. Days like these are just one of
the reasons that I keep on keeping on.
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