Happy Durings

I used to fantasize about being thin. Not just once in a while, but all the time. I would fantasize how perfect everything would be if my Fairy Godmother would just wave her magic wand and make me thin. Being thin would be my happily ever after. I wasted so much time on fantasies and yet the numbers on the scale kept going up and my self worth kept going down.

But then I started to realize that thinness wasn't really what I was after and what I truly wanted was to feel good about myself and feel strong and healthy all the time. Not someday but NOW. Then I realized that I could be my own fairy godmother, that I was the one holding the magic wand. I have had more contentment, happiness and moment of pure joy since I started this journey then I ever have before. And you can experience it, too! You have the power to feel strong, healthy and happy right now. You can be your own fairy godmother, grab hold of your magic wand and start waving it around!


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K3nzx 2013