I finished the 5-Day Restart.
Someone asked how I feel . . . I feel pretty virtuous, actually. I feel like I've lost weight--and, of course, I did step on the scale, so I know I have, but I am interested to see what the scale says tomorrow. I will consider that the total amount lost on this 5-Day Restart.
I can't really point to clearer skin or better sleep or anything like that, though. I blame all that on PMS. I am sleeping pretty well but not remarkably better than usual.
I have been walking 30 minutes a day. Nothing like a rowdy puppy to force you into your sneakers and out the door.
I'm looking forward to eating salad tomorrow . . . now, to continue steering clear of all those dastardly processed foods which make me fat and mess with my blood sugar.
I am so sick of being fat. I really am ready to do this.
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