Procrastination Motivation

Unless we're lucky like Mrs. Brady and have Alice to do the dirty work, we all have chores and housecleaning to do. I like a clean, organized house and I'm a task master by nature so the day to day tidying is no problem for me. House cleaning is where I run into procrastination problems.

I like to play what I call "The Race Against the Kitchen Timer Game." I carve out a block of time for house cleaning in advance, in fact I put it on the calendar. I set the timer in the kitchen for 99minutes and 99seconds and I go balls out to see how much I can get done before the timer beeps. I work fast and I work hard, I count it as a workout for the day because I get my whole body involved and get my heart rate up. I promise myself a 15 minute break when the timer beeps and I always have a "prize" lined up for when I finish. Sometimes I finish before the clock runs out and other times I'm so close to being done when the timer beeps, I just carry on the last few minutes until I'm done. And then I get my prize!

Yesterday after shopping was my scheduled house cleaning time. While I was out I picked up a tub of fresh face mask from LUSH and when I "won the game" I got my prize. I applied my mask and put my feet up with Food and Wine magazine and some Christmas music. Lovely!

How do you motivate yourself to get chores done?


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K3nzx 2013