Break the Streak?

Friday night found me racing away from the movie theater and toward my pregnant friend's house.  She'd gone into labor and so, following my directions, had called my house.  My husband called my cell phone (the only acceptable phone call in a movie theater, really) and said she was having contractions four minutes apart.  "Does she want me now?" I asked.  And he confirmed that she did, so I missed the last fifteen minutes of the movie.  (Which are said to be awful, according to movie critics, but still.  I wanted to see the ending!  The movie?  "Premonition," which I thought was entertaining, despite the panning given it by critics everywhere.)

As I sped down I-5 at 9:30 p.m., I realized with sudden dismay that my exercise streak would die that night because I was the designated childcare person.  My friend and her husband would leave me with their sleeping two year old . . . I didn't even have a toothbrush, let alone access to exercise equipment or an alternative plan.  I telephoned my husband to announce that my exercise streak would end that night.  He suggested I do calisthenics at my friend's house.  Somehow, I couldn't imagine it.

When I arrived, her contractions were a steady four minutes apart, but seemingly bearable.  She was restless, so I suggested a walk . . . and she said with apparent relief, "Yes."

That's how I ended up walking on a starlit Friday night with a 9-months pregnant woman (who walked at a steady clip, let me tell you!).  We walked for an hour, thus keeping my streak alive.


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K3nzx 2013