I just realised today that I haven't blogged in ages. Everything has changed for me in the last 2weeks. Our circumstances have changed and we have to move house. At first I was devastated and really didn't want to have to do it but now the excitement has kicked in and I'm looking forward to this new adventure. 

I see it as a new chapter on my journey, 2012 was the year of change for me so obviously part of the change was  a change of address. It is making things a bit harder on my food plans because planning ahead isn't as easy as it was before. We have so many things to sort our before we move that I forget to keep track of my eating habits. I try my best but in a week or two when everything is settled I will be back on track properly. 

MrBru is also starting a 3 day week on the 30th so that has thrown a spanner into the works also. Trying to balance the books so we don't get into financial stress (anymore than we already are). There are loads of people in the same position if not worse than us so the best thing to do is to get on with things and not let them overwhelm me. Things are always as bad as they seem and everything does happen for a reason. I'm looking on this as a positive and the outcome of it all will be great. 

I wont be about for a little while and as soon as I have settled into my new home I will be back blogging like before. Talk to you soon :)


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K3nzx 2013