Its been a weeks or so since I blogged and the only reason for this was Life. I was distracted by life, which for me was a good and a bad thing. The good thing is, I have been more active since my last post than I have been in a long time. The dog loves me and now begs me for walks instead of Mr Bru. The kids are enjoying the trips out to forests and parks and I am actually enjoying spending even more time with all of them. I have a new lease of life and I am actually suggesting we go out walking, Which  Mr Bru found weird at first. The Bad thing is that I have been sitting on my laptop letting silly things distract me from doing my everyday planning. I have been playing games more than planning meals, things to do and even keeping in touch with people.

As I sit here now the sky is dull and gloomy and it has been raining since last night. My mood isn't great and I have just been eating anything today. I didn't even think about health and weight loss. That's when I realised I need to blog to distract me and get me back on track. Just because the picture outside is dull and dismal does not mean that my day has to be dull and dismal. So I have to come up with a plan for the rest of the day and my week. Walking is out the window and I need to undo the damage of 2 sausage rolls and a cream bun (I seems worse now than I thought this morning) I have been watching a Fitness TV channel and in the evening the workouts aren't to hard so I am going to try and follow one when the 2 younger ones are in bed. 

When you think about it there are loads of things around to help you on a weight loss journey. When I was minding the baby this morning I put her in her pram and then pushed the pram with my feet. While I was doing it I realised that this would help tone my muscles. I have her 2 - 3 days a week so that could be a workout for me. I have weights upstairs but they are a bit heavy at the minute so I could use tins of beans as weights to start off with and or even a kilo bag of sugar. There really is no excuse not to get some exercise on a rainy day. 

Don't let life distract you in the wrong way. Use the Internet to look for ways to help you exercise, plan your workouts they don't have to be too strenuous. Look around your home and find things to use. Don't just sit and say "ah sure I cant get out and I have nothing here in the house" It only takes 30 minutes of any exercise to get fit and healthy. I have researched a few things to kick us off so I hope it helps you and me. 


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K3nzx 2013